On-farm trials in DK highlight plant teams resilience
Here in Denmark, we had the pleasure of having 3 participatory farmers hosting trails with plant teams of cereal legumes, and despite a v...
Breeding for crop mixtures: Opportunities and challenges
Why this workshop, why now? Our work on cultivar selection for intercropping has highlighted a need for more knowledge about crop genotyp...
Consortium catch up in Copenhagen
This summer the consortium met in Copenhagen thanks to the organisational support of two of our project partners, L&F SEGES and the Unive...
Communicating science in Copenhagen
At the Copenhagen Conference 2019 DIVERSify partners engaged in workshops and training to enable them to produce entry level web video. B...
Strength in numbers: DIVERSify teams up with other crop diversification projects
DIVERSify is working with a group of Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects funded by the European Union to diversify agricultural...
A Young Researcher on a Mission
Throwback to my blog on the LEAF website... DIVERSify isn’t just looking into how plant teams can be used and how to optimise the perform...
Perspectives from Italy (part 2): more promising results for barley-pea intercropping
In 2018 the Consorzio Marche Biologiche (Consortium of organic farmers of the Marche Region - ConMarcheBio) participated to the DIVERSify...
Perspectives from Italy: Barley and peas on a mixed organic farm
Intercropping is a promising approach for low input agricultural systems such as organic farming. In central Italy, the use of intercropp...
Field work in Scotland 2018
As the busy field season has come to a close, we've embraced the task of processing the dried samples and sorting through the big mound o...
SZG: integrating plant traits for intercropping into breeding and (re)introducing ‘the three sisters
Saatzucht Gleisdorf GmbH (SZG) is a small private breeding company located in Styria (South-eastern Austria) with a long tradition in pum...
SEGES: collecting agronomic data and developing a decision aid for farmers
The purpose of cultivating plant teams could be to optimise a growing system in one way or another…Improve yields, weed suppression, expl...
Teaming up for good: intercropping and farming-science partnership at JHI
Pete Iannetta and colleagues based at the Agroecology Group of the James Hutton Institute discuss their experiences in research on ‘plan...